Please use the "comments" section to post some details about where you're coming from or to offer a ride from your area of town to the WISE Hall.
Since this blog is technically public please do not post personal details. Leave your name, city that you are driving from and the abbreviation for your worksite. If you see the potential for a carpool, give your coworker a call or send them an e-mail.
And if you are driving, please plan ahead and use a designated driver if you're thinking about drinking. The Very Pretty Ladies will also be happy to call people cabs if you need one.
Here are some taxi services to jot down (or program into your cell phone):
- Yellow Cab - (604) 681-1111
- Vancouver Taxi - (604) 871-1111
- Maclure's Cabs - (604) 683-6666
- Black Top & Checker Cabs - (604) 681-2181
I'm looking to share a cab (or share your gas costs) with someone from/to the north shore.
Please call Diana at 4042 to discuss details.
I appreciate the efforts the Very Pretty Ladies are making in ensuring that everybody gets home safely. But enough! We've heard the message, loud and clear! We promise not to drink and drive!
Does anyone want to share a cab? we'll be leaving from Fraser and 35th.
email me at
mumitz (at) gmail (dot) com
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